Maybe Titania, Maybe Mab, Maybe Not

These four masks are the results of Yost messing around with the character design of Orrissamvihr, aka the Nina-pina-diva-Ru (the absolute monarch of the Ru domain*), who is the closest thing to a Fairy Queen that we might find in the worlds of Geranium Lake Properties. These designs are not dramatically different from the masks that were published in GLP (as part of “The Domains of Deception”) yet I think they make the frolicsome Orrissamvihr seem more imperious, more regal, than the impish brat we know and love.

Some people categorize Orrissamvihr as a villainess, but she always appeared as an ally to Alice Aroumbeyski. During those adventures where she emerged as Jack Loki’s adversary, it was often because Jack had embarked on an enterprise that was detrimental to the best interests of Ru.

Orrissamvihr’s moods may be capricious, and her temper might be as changeable as her attention span is short, but she protects the welfare of her domain with enthusiasm and a scary amount of vindictive glee.

*The Five Domains of Enchantment and Deception are Ru, Frost, Branch, Oryu and Leaf. The inhabitants of the Five Domains are adept with all the fairy glamours, but the citizens of Ru are the masters of fantasies involving Notions and Gambles. The Dwellers in the Frost Domain specialize in Vanity and Exaltation, the Folk of the Branch are experts at Forgetfulness, the natives of Oryu entertain themselves with Beliefs and Fancies, and the People of the Leaf take pride in their erudite lore of Nuances and Nuisances.


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