We don’t use AI

We don’t use AI to create the images on this blog. By the word “we”, I mean Wm. Yost, Alice Aroumbeyski and myself.* By the acronym “AI”, I mean Artificial Intelligence. When you see that phrase or that acronym, you might want to remember that the “A” comes first, because “artificial” is the most significant word in that term. (The “Intelligence” part is debatable. Really, it is debated constantly by professionals in the field, your social media friends, your mother and your dog.) In this instance (and like all instances, it is destined to be brief and inconsequential), artificial means “fake” and “machine-made” and “with none of the masterly skills of an art forger who has made a lucrative career by flummoxing the experts”. Artificial also might mean “with none of the fun, drama, mystery, frustration and joy of human creativity, and certainly none of The Agony and the Ecstasy“.

Today’s images are two variations (I can’t decide which color is my favorite) of a mask not published during the eleven year run of Geranium Lake Properties. I have been rummaging through the GLP archives, keeping an eye out for Alice Aroumbeyski’s work, and so far I have assembled a small yet spectacular collection of unpublished masks designs, which I hope to share with you in my upcoming posts.

* In some worlds, two of these three people may be considered fictional, but so what? If you have given even a passing glance at the various philosophies and psychologies of self-identity, you have probably realized that everyone is a protagonist in their own illusory narrative. Which is just another way of saying that we all are our own fictional characters.

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